Islamic Architecture art Of International Islamic Tadhamon bank building

Islamic architecture art was created in Islamic period. It has many details which came from Arabic letters and beside some structure parts such as Islamic arch with pointed end.  IslamicArchitecture art is rich with details which can produce so nice facade.  Islamic art details helped me to produce International Islamic Tadhamon bank building facade. Three Islamic parts were used to creat the design. They are as following. 

1- Islamic pointed arch 
2- Eight star shape
3- masses mix

The masses stand horizontally. Every mass has Islamic pointed arch which bend forward in the end. Eight star patterns fill all the facade blanks. The three elements creat so nice building appearance. The entrance has special remarkable concentration. It can be noticed easily for walkers and motorists. 

Islamic art is rich with beauty architecture details which help the designer to produce a so beautiful architecture design . The Islamic art suffers scarcity of interests. A few interests architects use it just  for specific architecture issues . Islamic architecture details provide us with many beautiful details which can help us to creat so attractive design. rchitects use them in some building design. 


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